Become a member of the DBSA Associate Board

Get the experience, connections, and insight you need to advance your career while also advancing the lifesaving mission of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance by becoming a member of the Associate Board.

Make Your Mark

Designed for young professionals aged 21-39, DBSA’s Associate Board will take an active role in fundraising and advocating for DBSA’s mission to provide hope, help, education, and support for people living with depression and bipolar disorder.

As an Associate Board member, you will:

  • Understand DBSA’s mission, policies, programs, and needs
  • Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in at least four board meetings per year, which can be done virtually 
  • Assist DBSA in fundraising, marketing, and volunteering efforts 
  • Be a passionate advocate and ambassador for DBSA’s mission
  • Leverage connections, networks, and resources to develop collective action to fully achieve DBSA’s mission 
  • Contribute a personally meaningful donation to DBSA of a minimum of $1,000
  • Commit to at least one year of service with the possibility of more

Why join the DBSA Associate Board?

  • Expand your professional network and opportunities for growth 
  • Use your skills and passion to contribute to a cause you care about
  • Get hands-on experience on a nonprofit board
  • Gain new leadership and strategy skills
  • Use your voice and insight to effect positive change
  • Work with like-minded individuals to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health conditions

DBSA is committed to diversity and inclusion at every level of the organization. People of color, people from working-class backgrounds, women, and LGBTQ people, especially those who have lived experiences with mental health conditions, are encouraged to apply.

Apply Now

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